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January 2011 Business Forum Questions

21-Jan-2011 11:08 AM | Deleted user
As reported by Bob Lurz

  • How do I deal with a consulting agreement that requires liability insurance?
  • Which is better--an LLC or buying liability insurance?
  • How do I get in front of my target market?
  • How do I deal with intellectual property management such as non-disclosure agreements?
  • Do I need a patent lawyer with my new idea or is there another route?
  • What ideas does this group have for my presentation on the advantages of non-Microsoft-based systems?
  • Should I fill out my business forms online or get a lawyer?
  • What is a good radio station for up-to-date road conditions and problems when driving to a meeting or a client?
  • What should I do about banking for my business?
  • How do I do online marketing?
  • How do I gain visibility?
  • Should I consider full-time employment?



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