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February 2011 Business Forum Questions

19-Feb-2011 10:14 AM | Deleted user
As reported by Steve Royal

  • How can I break into the financial advising field?
  • What do I do if a client wants me to have employee and indemnification insurance?
  • Hint: Check out for advice on creative design.
  • What are the differences between an LLC and an S-Corp?
  • If you had the opportunity for certification as a consultant, how would you benefit?
  • How do I get large companies to pay what they owe me?
  • How complex should my business plan be when first starting my business?
  • How do I locate new clients?
  • How do I locate good business investors?
  • Should I use a payroll service or do it myself in QuickBooks for my business?
  • How much should I charge for my business services?
  • How should I reconnect with old leads?
  • How do I balance my consulting business with my full-time job?
  • How do I find a good accountant and a good lawyer?
  • Can there be a legal issue with RPCN members providing referrals for other members?
  • How do I distinguish between personal branding and company branding?



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